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Warmer weather is right around the corner.  Before you know it, family and friends will be coming over for a barbecue and a swim in your pool. But your pool and patio haven’t exactly been looking their best lately. Mineral deposits have built up over time and your pool tile and patio stone have lost their shine. Dustless Blasting is a better way to clean tough surfaces.

Cleaning and Restoring Tough Surfaces

Don’t fret.

You have choices with how to deal with it.

A.      Crawl around the edge of the pool with your nylon bristle brush (or pumice stone if it’s really bad) and start scrubbing. Look for non-toxic products that won’t foul your water and are effective in removing hard minerals like calcium. In some cases you may need to drain your pool to the point you can get to the surface line of the buildup in your pool

B.      Use a pressure washer. Drain your pool and rent a pressure washer. Be careful though. The jet stream (which can reach up to 2000 PSI or more) can penetrate skin and cause serious injury.  The heat of the spray can reach temperatures over 200 degrees Fahrenheit. This option removes the chemical factor, but creates other safety precautions you need to take.

C.      Acid solutions require you to drain the pool and take more work to clean up when you’re finished. You need to wear protective gear and carefully work the area you’re cleaning in sections. And you’ll need to check with your local municipal waste facility about how to dispose of any excess muriatic acid.

Sounds like a lot of work, right?

Fortunately, there is a better way. It’s called dustless blasting and your professionals at American Surface Pros know how to best take care of your pool, hot tub, and surroundings like your patio and pool edging stone and tile surfaces.

Cleaning and Restoring Tough Surfaces
American Surface Pros Has Everything Necessary and Comes to You

Not only does dustless blasting clean your pool, but it will also remove any coatings to give it a fresh surface and make it look new again. Dustless blasting uses non-toxic blasting media, such as recycled glass, which acts as an abrasive instead of a high pressure water spray. Hard minerals like calcium deposits become easier to remove.

Dustless blasting is a better ecological choice because it uses less water (about 20 gallons/hour instead of the hundreds of gallons high pressure spray systems will use.  It’s also safer for the environment and won’t harm any of the landscaping around your pool. The blasting media used is compliant with OSHA regulations. Therefore, the dustless blaster can also clean decorative rocks you have around your yard providing a complete makeover for your backyard.

Cleaning and Restoring Tough Surfaces
Dustless Blasting Can Restore Your Project to a Like New Finish

If you’re thinking about refinishing your pool, there is no better way to prepare the surface for refinishing than dustless blasting. It removes paint from surfaces and decks without the risk of warping the deck wood or breaking pool equipment due to high pressure water jet spray.

Dustless blasting media is also children and pet friendly.

Cleaning and restoring tough surfaces is never easy. Mineral deposits have built up over time and your pool tile and patio stone have lost their shine. Dustless Blasting is a better way to clean tough surfaces. American Surface Pros delivers that.